Saturday 26 November 2011

Rolls-Royce Phantom limousine style of

It is the Star Custom car shop in China, bringing the value to more than 2 million vehicles.

Wheelbase Phantoms of this is increased to 8.5 m, compared with standard 3.82 m. Particularly, the long axis of establishments lost 4.5 million yuan, or $ 700,000.

In addition, the Star Custom alligator also used for interior decoration, painted chrome grille (yellow or white depending on customer requirements), a clock on the dash Switzerland, using mahogany, walnut or maple furniture to wall. According to Star Custom, there was a businessman in Shaanxi, China, equipped with such order for the Phantom, the upgrade price up to 15 million yuan, equivalent to 2.36 million.
Drawings of the designers at Star Custom

Source: AP